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List of Plenary/Keynote Talks
Plenary Talks
Plenary Talk 1

"Harnessing micro- and nanotechnologies for better cell therapies"
Prof. Ke Cheng
Dept. of Molecular Biomedical Sciences, NC State University, USA
Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, UNC-Chapel Hill & NC State University, USA
Plenary Talk 2

"Thin Artificial Muscles Pioneering New Robotics"
Prof. Koichi Suzumori
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Plenary Talk 3

"Sugar chains modified nano-carbon bio-sensors for host range detection of influenza viruses"
Prof. Toshio Kawahara
Department of Electronics and Information Engineering, Chubu University, Japan
Plenary Talk 4

"High-speed atomic force microscopy: A tool for visualizing dynamic behavior from proteins to cells"
Prof. Takayuki Uchihashi
Department of Physics, Nagoya University, Japan
Keynote Talks
Keynote Talk 1 (OS 3)

"Model-based Feedback Control of Synthetic Biomolecular Circuits"
Prof. Yutaka Hori
Department of Applied Physics and Physico-informatics, Keio University, Japan
Keynote Talk 2 (OS 15)

"Non natural tiny-wet machine: Molecular Robot"
Prof. Shin-ichiro M Nomura
Department of Robotics, Tohoku University, Japan
Keynote Talk 3 (OS 14)

"Multi degree-of-freedom surgical manipulator using largely deformable mechanical components"
Prof. Jumpei Arata
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kyusyu University, Japan
Keynote Talk 4 (OS 1)

"Hydrogel Microfibers for Biochemical applications"
Prof. Hiroaki Onoe
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Keio University, Japan
Keynote Talk 5 (OS 4)

"Micro/nano-scale needle devices for the brain"
Prof. Takeshi Kawano
Department of Electrical and Electronic Information Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan
Keynote Talk 6 (OS 11)

"Latest Data Processing Technologies for Living State Estimation"
Prof. Takuo Suzuki
Department of Information Science and Technology, Aichi Prefectural University, Japan
Keynote Talk 7 (OS 10)

"Super-resolutinon imaging using electron beam excited nano-sized spot of light"
Prof. Wataru Inami
Department of Engineering, Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology, Shizuoka University, Japan
Keynote Talk 8 (OS 12)

"Fabrication of glass-based bio-chip utilizing ultrashort-pulse-laser and its application"
Prof. Yasutaka Hanada
Department of Intelligent Machines and System Engineering, Hirosaki University, Japan
Keynote Talk 9 (OS 8)

"Multisensory Alterations in Visual, Vestibular and Proprioceptive Cues for Modeling of Postural Control"
Prof. Ryosuke Chiba
Asahikawa Medical University, Japan
Keynote Talk 10 (OS 6)

"Fabrication of 3D Tissues using Enzymatic Reactions through Production of Hydrogel Microcapsules and Microfibers"
Prof. Shinji Sakai
Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University, Japan
Keynote Talk 11 (OS 16)

"Design of Human Machine Interface based on Understanding of Human's Motor and Sensory Capacity"
Prof. Yuichi Kurita
Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University, Japan
Keynote Talk 12 (OS 5)

"Possibilities of mammalian cell preservation using freeze-dried methods"
Prof. Kazutsugu Matsukawa
Faculty of Agriculture and Marine Science, Kouchi University, Japan
Keynote Talk 13 (OS 7)

"Topological Learning from Point Clouds for Geometric Feature Extraction"
Prof. Yuichiro Toda
Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
Keynote Talk 14 (OS 13)

"Micro-vibration actuators driven by shape-memory alloy wires and its application to tactile displays"
Prof. Hideyuki Sawada
Department of Applied Physics, Waseda University, Japan
Keynote Talk 15 (OS 9)

"Design Framework of Robot-assisted Therapy for Children with Autism"
Prof. Min-Gyu Kim
Machine Intelligence Research Center, Korea Institute of Robot and Convergence, Korea