Home > Sponsors
Sponsored by
- Humanware Network Initiative
Technically Co-sponsored by
- IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
Technically Supported by
- Institute of Nano-Life-Systems, Nagoya University
- Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering
- Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine
- Micromachine Center
- Robotics and Mechatronics Division, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
- Society E (Sensors and Micromachines), Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
- The Japanese Society for Biomaterials
- The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
- The Robotics Society of Japan
- The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
in Cooperation with
- Aichi Prefectural Government
- Central Japan Industries Association
- Japan Science and Technology Agency
- Japan Society of Applied Physics
- Nagoya Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Financially Supported by
- The Hibi Science Foundation