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Best Paper Awards:
- Witchuda Thongking, Ardi Wiranata, Shingo Maeda, and Chinthaka Premachandra
"Implementation of Reservoir Computing Algorithm in Stretchable Sensor for Wearable Device"
- Hitohiro Etoh, Yuichiro Omura, Kohei Kaminishi, Ryosuke Chiba, Kaoru Takakusaki, and Jun Ota
"Investigation of a Method to Extend a 2-Dimensional Gait to 3-Dimensions in a Human Musculoskeletal with 70 Muscles"
- Makoto Saito, Yoko Yamanishi, and Shinya Sakuma
"High-speed On-chip In-liquid Dispenser by Utilizing Traveling Vortex"
- Kenta Yokoe, Tadayoshi Aoyama, Yuki Funabora, Koki Nakagawa, Yusuke Sakai, Masaru Takeuchi, and Yasuhisa Hasegawa
"Control Method of Fabric Actuator Suit for Gaze Guidance in Immersive Spaces"
- Yu Yamashita, Shinya Sakuma, and Yoko Yamanishi
"Modeling and analysis of plasma-induced bubble for on-demand metal deposition"
- Xu Du, Shingo Kaneko, Hisataka Maruyama, Hirotaka Sugiura, and Fumihito Arai
"High-speed liquid exchange using a 3D printed probe with dual pumps"
- Jacinto Colan and Yasuhisa Hasegawa
"Sensorless grip force estimation of a cable-driven robotic surgical tool based on Gaussian Process Regression"
- Shiro Watanabe, Hirotaka Sugiura, and Fumihito Arai
"High-Speed Frequency Detection of QCR Force Sensor Using a PLL Circuit"